A quick message from Heidi:

(Voice - Heidi) 

I just ran 7 miles.  20 miler this past weekend, which I wasn't so sure about since I just ran the USA Rock n Roll marathon a month ago.  I am feeling better than expected; strong. Running and training for the marathons have helped me a lot to control my emotions about my mom and how she fought those last days of her own marathon with FTD.  Every time I want to give up I just think of how hard she fought to breathe and stay strong.  It's amazing how running has been a therapy for me.  It makes me feel alive again, when otherwise I feel lost knowing that I don't have my mom anymore.  I sometimes, while running, pretend that she is now living inside of me and I use her strength to finish my last couple miles of a long run. 
I know come May 5th, Betsy and I will have her with us.  

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