Week 13 - In Honor of Uncle Joe...Who is your "who?"

To Understand the “why” we should raise awareness for dementia.  Let’s understand the “who.”

ü  My mother is my “who.”

ü  My Uncle Joe is my “who.”

ü  My grandmother is my “who.”

Who is yourwho?”

As I continue the weekly runs up the volcano, Vesuvius and prepare for Milestone 2: Athens Marathon, 12 November –every step is for my “who.” And to honor them with helping the next generation.  

 Uncle Joe ---a veteran, a teacher, principal, husband, father, uncle.  A man that was admired by the community and had and has a passion for helping others.  In 2013, the same year his sister and niece passed from dementia (my mother and grandmother), he was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia, FTD. 

Who is your “who?”  Who do you know with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson, FTD or ALS?  Take a moment, and define them for how they lived, not the brain disorder they obtained.  If you could help prevent yourself and future generations from going through what he/she has gone through, would you?  Of course you would. 

So I ask again, who is your who?  Comment below and let’s bring awareness together.

This month, Uncle Joe, I run for you.  You are my who. 

Successes to DATE:
  1. Ground covered:  Over 400 miles ran; Over 86,000 ft climbed
  2. People reached: Over 2000 views on the last video.  Goal:  5000 for this one.
  3. Donations raised * $4300 raised.... Milestone 2: $10,000 Goal by Athens Marathon, mid November

*All proceeds going directly to FTD research and tax deductible.

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