Week 9: For Their Thoughts - Let's Talk About It

This month, we want your advice, let's just focus on exposure and awareness:
  1. What makes you want to click share? 
  2. What do you want to hear more about ...or less about. 
    1. Facts?   Family Story?  Prevention Advice?
  3. How best to spread the word? How do we reach 10s of 1000s?

So to kick start the August Awareness, we've outline where we are now.  Read on to find out:
1. Updates on Running For Their Thoughts success to date
2. Update on Bluefield Project's progress toward a cure for FTD!
3. And YOUR impact:  How one little ripple can start the wave to change.

Mtn Running UPDATE:

WK 8: Italian Alp Sky Marathon;  

WK 9: Back to Vesuvius

- $3,655 Raised
-  225 Total Miles Ran: 
- 51,000  Feet Climbed
- by 45 runners and donors
**Video and Photos BELOW!!!**

John F Kennedy once said, "Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events.

Join the Run!
Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others...he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls...



 A few Ripples….
by a few individuals…
started Change in Frontotemporal Dementia…
q 2010: 
üNo Treatment
üNo Cure
üNo Prospects for either

Ripple….An ordinary family in Virginia… frustrated, founded Bluefield Project, and teamed up with UCSF.
q 2014: 
üAbout a dozen more research institutes were on board
üTheories on how to suppress or prevent FTD arise…
üMice trials and research underway… 
…But still not treatment or cure…

Ripple….Friends and Family in PA come together and raise $10,000  with community support. --- this $$ secured $1,000,000 from NIH
q Today:
ü21 research institutes – collaborating together
üBiomedical and Pharmaceuticals on board
üResearch pace is accelerating, trials underway
Ripple…. A PA/Cali girl, living in Naples, commits to running mountains until another $100,000 is raised…..For their Thoughts Campaign commences.  45 donors and runners have already joined

q Tomorrow:
ü     hope    
ü treatment    
ü a cure  
Dementia is on the rise,
Look left...
Look right...
Look in the mirror...
One of you three is expected to get dementia.  Let's change that.  Let's talk about it so our kids don't have to.  

Please help Awareness August. 
Please consider sharing
~~Thank YOU~~ 

From about 8000 ft, Italian Alps

Pickles - Our Vesuvius mascot!

Jim and I before starting 26 miles